Thursday 2 October 2008

Save a life or two for the price of a Big Mac!

The children that will die today from malaria would fill all the seats in 7 jumbo jets, (sad to say, that is no misprint/typo on my part) which equates to one child's death every 30 seconds or, to put it another way, about the time it could take you to read this one post. The single most effective means of prevention is a mosquito net and yet each long lasting insecticidal net (LLIN)– the net of choice -costs only around £2.50 or $ 5 or 4 Euro, yup, as little as that! If you would like to know more, and perhaps join me in donating, then please click here.

There are many organisations involved and if you are involved with or have any influence over your government please click here

"Suffer the little children to come unto me" He said. But He said and meant this when they were still alive and in this world, and, for one child, their thirty seconds is now about up.

1 comment:

Margaret's Ramblings said...

Thank you Peter for reminding me. I had promised myself to buy two nets a couple of months ago but like many items I log into my brain it wo mosquito nets now on their way.