Saturday, 12 January 2008

Peak Oil - Imposed by Nature

This is something that will effect us all, and sooner than we think. This film, produced by Amund Prestegard and recommended by Dr. Colin Campbell, 'Peak Oil - Imposed by Nature' is an excellent 4 minute introduction to the causes and consequences of the terminal decline of global oil production as we reach the global Peak, which is now. This is a preview of that documentary. In the documentary retired world experienced geologist Dr. Colin Campbell, founder of ASPO, the Association for the Study of Peak Oil, explains the aspects of oil discovery, the production increase and the subsequent decline on a local as well as on a world scale. Peak oil is a fact that the majority wish to ignore, it will not go away and there are no quick fixes but the sooner we grasp that fact and act on it then the better are our chances and the better are the chances for the poor, the exploited and the hungry.

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